
So far, you have learned how to create worlds and place actors on them. Now we will set things in motion:

The act()-Methode#

The act() method controls the behavior of your world and all actors. It is called in every frame (every world.step time unit) until the program ends.

Erster Actor

Example: Moving Actor#

When you create an Actor, you can register the act() method with the @register decorator:

from miniworlds import World, Actor

world = World(500,500)

player = Actor((90, 90))

@player.register # registriert die Act-Methode. Dies ist notwendig, damit diese regelmäßig aufgerufen wird.
def act(self):
    self.y = self.y - 1  # Bewegt den Actor in y-Richtung



  • The act() method moves the player one step up in each frame.

  • New here is the command self: This allows an object to access itself. The command self.y = self.y - 1 means that the object player decreases its “own” y-coordinate by 1.

Siehe auch

More details on methods and the use of self can be found here.