
Mit Timern kannst du Ereignisse zeitgesteuert ausführen.

This means that an action is not started immediately, but with a delay of milliseconds or seconds.

Timers are useful if you want an action to take place only after a certain period of time, for example.


Python provides the time.sleep(...) function in the time library to create delays. However, you should not use this method as it leads to global delays and can cause unwanted side effects.

Starten Sie einen Timer#

To start a timer, you can use the following example:

from miniworlds import ActionTimer
ActionTimer(24, player.move)


  1. After 24 frames, the timer is triggered.

  2. The method player.move is then executed.

Different types of timers#

There are different types of timers that can be used depending on the application:


The ActionTimer executes a method after a specified time and then automatically removes itself. It is suitable for actions that should be executed once after a delay.

ActionTimer(24, player.move, None)

In this example, the move function of the player object is executed once after 24 frames.


The LoopActionTimer works similarly to the ActionTimer, but repeats the action at regular intervals. This timer is ideal for recurring actions.

LoopActionTimer(24, player.move)

In this case, the move method of the player object is executed every 24 frames.

Um einen LoopActionTimer zu stoppen, kannst du ihn wie folgt entfernen:

loopactiontimer = LoopActionTimer(24, player.move)
loopactiontimer.unregister()  # Entfernt den LoopActionTimer

Timer mit Ereignissen verknüpfen#

Ähnlich wie bei Sensoren kannst du Timer so konfigurieren, dass Methoden auf bestimmte Timer-Ereignisse reagieren. Dazu registrierst du Methoden, die bei einem Timer-Ereignis ausgeführt werden sollen.

An example of such a method looks as follows:

def moving():

In this case, the method moving is called after 24 frames and executes the action player.move().

To register a LoopTimer that runs regularly, you can use the following example:

def moving():

Here, the moving method is executed repeatedly every 48 frames, causing the actor to turn and move to the left.